Feeling flat and bored?
Jul 11, 2022Feeling flat and bored? You know those days when you feel like you're slogging through a muddy swamp, trying to pull yourself out of a rut? When you have arrived at your class and wish you had something to teach that gives you that tingling feeling of excitement because you know that your participants are going to love it.
We've all been there. Sometimes, it feels like the only thing you can do is get to your class, put on the music, and try to make the best of it.
Even if you are a great instructor and know how to motivate people, sometimes we just need a little inspiration ourselves. We need that extra push to get our groove back—the one that makes us want to dance around instead of curl up in a ball on the floor.
This happens to everyone. Motivation is a fluctuating thing and sometimes it can be difficult to figure out how to get yourself back into the swing of things.
When you start feeling flat and uninspired, step back to get some perspective. as a group fitness instructor, it is important to do this regularly. check in with your how you are feeling and what exactly you are feeling.
If the answer is "I don't know," then try to explore that further. Ask yourself:
Am I bored?
If yes, then ask yourself why? Is it because I'm not being challenged enough? Is it because I don't like my routine or classes? Or am I just not enjoying myself anymore?
Am I overwhelmed?
If yes, then ask yourself why. Is there too much going on in my life right now? Am I overcommitting myself and then feeling like a failure when things don't go according to plan?
We all go through phases (THAT’S EVERYONE, not just you) when we are not motivated to teach classes. Sometimes, it's because we are busy with life and have less time for ourselves. Other times, it's because you are frustrated with the class or feeling like your teaching has plateaued in some way.
You may find that you need to take a break from teaching for a week or two. Don't feel bad about taking time off, because sometimes it is what we need to do in order to recharge our batteries and come back stronger than ever!
If there is one thing both Maria and I have learned over the years as instructors, it's that motivation ebbs and flows with life events.
Here are some tips on how to stay motivated when you're feeling uninspired:
- Change up your class preparation routine - Sometimes the best way to get motivated is by changing up what you do. If you're bored with your classes, try something new! Try a different format e.g., if you always teach using Tabata, perhaps try a different interval or go on YouTube and discover some new exercises to include. Go back to previous workshop notes and implement an idea that you haven’t tried, like a teaching progression or method e.g. add on method or link method. It is scary to try something new, but oh baby, does it bring back the spark!
- Get enough sleep - Sleep deprivation can lead to depression and decreased energy levels, both of which can be detrimental for getting excited about teaching. Feeling flat and tired, can be exactly that – flat and tired. Are you staying up too late watching Netflix or on your mobile device? Prioritise sleep and if you have had a shocking night sleep, then find opportunities during the day to get power naps.
- Go to another instructor’s class or participate in a workshop. Get those creative juices flowing again. Sometimes we are so alone when we are teaching that we forget that there is a whole community of amazing other instructors all happy to connect with us. Reach into your own instructor community and maybe meet up for coffee or a zoom call and have a debrief. When there is no one to talk to about our ‘stuff’ it can slowly build up and zap us of our motivation.
The process of becoming a better instructor is something that never ends. Feeling unmotivated as a group fitness instructor is normal but figuring out how to beat those feelings is important so that you can keep moving forward in your career.
If you are looking for inspiration, MGM Aqua Immersion is back for the 2022 season and it's going to be better than ever. Topics on self-care, motivation, as well as some very different exercises and choreography ideas might be what you need to get you back on track. Click here to check out the full schedule and book early to cash in on the early bird special.
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